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About iUVO

Popular Questions

Will I be able to send my HOS log to the officer from iUVO Connect app?

Yes, you will be able to send your HOS log to the officer via our app. We have two options to choose from Email and Fax. For any reason the above options do not work, you will be able to send a message to your dispatch through our app. Our iUVO Connect platform keeps a backup log for dispatch to assist.

I drive to both USA and Canada. Will your app update me on the ELD rules in both countries?

Yes, iUVO ELD solutions keep the drivers up-to-date with compliance laws, so the drivers can focus on driving and stay safe. iUVO Connect app follows the current location (country) laws and regulations, so you know when to do what.

Can a driver edit their ELD data after leaving the vehicle?

Yes iUVO Connect allows drivers or dispatch to edit their ELD logs selectively. No Edits can be made to driving Status log but drivers will see the edit option on the log row if they are able to edit that status.

Can iUVO Connect app track mileage for tax reporting purposes.

Yes iUVO Connect allows drivers or dispatch to edit their ELD logs selectively. No Edits can be made to driving Status log but drivers will see the edit option on the log row if they are able to edit that status.